Wow! 2015 was quite a year.
I stand and look at all the personal accomplishments and failures that made 2015 the year it was.
So many things I set out to do in 2015 I actually achieved. I kept my two year annual goal of traveling to a different country every year. The year before was China and last year was Costa Rica.
I got my financial life in a better position. Far from where I want to be in but substantially better than what I had originally started #StartedFromTheBottomNowWeHere!
I moved to New York #ConcreteJungle with a fabulous roommate. Indulge me for a little while here, let me tell you about my ROOMIE :). Her name is Marilyn, she's the definition of what an accomplished woman should look like. At the age of 23 she has her masters in Bioethics (I think that's what she studied LOL) from COLOMBIA UNIVERSITY!!! Yeah that's right, the same University that brought you POTUS. She's a really determined, wise, strong and hecka sexy young lady and I'm so glad she gets to be a positive influence on me. For anyone who is on the natural hair journey she is half part of THE KINK and I. A blog she runs with her best friend. She might have a couple of features on the blog this year.
OK back to me. I also invested in my future by finally contributing to my 401K towards retirement and investing in Real Estate!! YASSSSSS your girl is a proud real estate owner, granted it's just a piece of land now with no buildings but that's what 2016 is for!
There were some lows this past year so I'll just go ahead and quickly rattle that list off, I did have some failures that I'm hoping I can remedy in 2016. OK so I didn't eat healthy and exercise (what can I say? This girl can be really lazy a lot of times and I love unhealthy food so much) which means I actually gained some significant weight. I can feel it in my jeans and pencil skirts.
I discussed getting my GMAT with a friend of mine and while she went ahead and took the exam I found some excuse after the next. It's sad but true and now I'm surrounded by all my accomplished friends who have MBA and Master degrees. I know I shouldn't compare myself with others but I have to surround myself with go getters so that I can be motivated to GET MY LIFE!
I can't wait to see what 2016 brings! Are you excited? I am :)
Roomie!!! You've got this year! I hope resurrecting this blog is one of your 2016 goals oh *side - eyes*. <3.